Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Music Magazine Questionnaire, Analysis and How the results will effect construction.

I have created a questionnaire to identify the most popular features and the genres of music within a music magazine, the results from the questionnaire will help me to choose the most popular genres and features to base my magazine on.

Questionnaire for music magazine

  • How many hours do you listen to music in a day? (circle one option)
 0 - 1       2 - 4       5 - 7       8 - 10      11+
  •   What genre of music do you prefer? (circle as many)
 R&B      Pop      Rap      Rock      Classical      Indie

  • How often do you buy music magazines? (circle one)
 Never      Somtimes      Weekly      Monthly      Yearly

  •  What do you like to read in a music magazine? (circle as many)
Gossip      News artists      Charts      Interviews
 Other? please state ....................................................

  •  How much would you pay for a music magazine (circle one)
 £1 - £2      £3 - £4      £5+


From my Questionnaire I have found that pop and rock is the most preferred genre, this means that the magazine that I am going to create will be based on the genre of pop or indie as these types of genres have the highest popularity within the target audience. The popular features within magazines are gossip, interviews and new artists, this gives me a clear idea what to add in my magazine. I also found out that 6 out of 10 would pay between £2 - £4 for a music magazine; this will give me a clear idea at what price to give my magazine. From these results I am going to base my magazine on Rolling Stones.

Explanation of how the results will effect my construction:

In my music magazine, I am going to have a single artist as the main image for the front cover and this will leave more space on the cover for more sell lines, this will make the cover look neat and professional.

I am going to use red, black and white colour scheme since they are the colours that relate to the indie/pop genre and they also make the magazine look appealing.

since the majority of people who answered the Questionnaire were aged 11-18, I will be aiming my magazine for that age group. I will have to include information that would appeal to this particular audience. I will also have to make sure that the presentation is eye-catching too, so they will want to buy my magazine.

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