Saturday, 17 November 2012

Music Magazine Double Page Analysis.


The image on the double page spread is of a music artist and takes up the entire right page which is eye catching and grabs the audience’s attention also the icon is looking directly to the audience, again catching the audience’s attention.

On this contents page there isn’t a title as such, just the artist name in a larger and bolder font this is to make sure that the audience knows which artist they are reading about.

The colour scheme on this double page spread is blue and red. This particual colour scheme is probably taken of its magazine front cover and repeated throughout the whole magazine itself, giving it more a professional look.

There is the logo at the top left of the spread, this seems to be continuous throughout the front cover, content and spreads.

 Finally the article is placed in the bottom left page, the fact that it’s been placed there makes it more appealing to the audience as there isn’t a lot of writing which makes it less off putting also its easier to read as it isn’t placed all over the two pages. 

This double page spread uses one image. The image that has been used is of a music artist called Pink. The image of the artist takes up the whole right hand side of the page. The use of this image clearly shows the audience what the article is about before even looking at the title also it is eye catching for the audience as it’s a close up of her face.

On this double page spread there isn’t a colour scheme as such as all the writing is in black.

 The article is placed on the left hand side of the double page spread. The article takes up the whole page and is sectioned in columns, the fact that it's been sectioned in columns makes the layout look neater and more professional also it is less off putting for the audience as it the article is placed all over the two pages.

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