Friday, 16 November 2012

Music Magazine Cover Analysis 2

The front cover contains all the typical codes in which all magazines holds. This includes the masthead, the sell lines and the date it’s been issued and price, however we cannot see the bar code has its been cut out of the bottom right of the page.

The masthead is placed at the top of the page to make it clear for the audience to see what the tile of this magazine. The masthead is partly over the main image. The colour that is used in the masthead is bright red which makes it eye catching for the audience but also making the magazine itself stand out to.

The skyline is placed in the usual position which gives the audience a professional view of the magazine.

The main colour scheme is white and red. The use of only using two colours, gives the magazine a professional look which attracts the audience. The cover is successful in using a limited range of bold colours.

The sell lines are in different sized fonts but mainly small and is either in lower case or capital case. The sell lines are placed on the right hand side of the page. The main sell line is placed at the bottom of the page. It is the biggest sized you can see on the cover, making it noticeable and clear for the audience to see that this magazine main article will be about Adele. 

The main image makes the magazine obvious as the icon fills all most the whole page. As the magazine only uses one image it makes it obvious for the audience to realise that the main articles in the magazine will be based on Adele before even looking what the sell lines says.

Over the entire layout is quite formal as the sell lines are placed in line beneath each other. The layout is not busy as it the cover only contains one main image and doesn't contain loads of font colours or sizes. The front cover has a minimal of featuring that includes a few sell lines and colours.


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