Saturday, 17 November 2012

Music Magazine Content Pages Analysis.

The first thing that is noticeable about this content page is the main title 'NME THIS WEEK'. This title helps draw the audience’s attention quite a lot. This title also embeds an image almost in the audience’s minds, creating a future reference. The name of this title probably connects into the main magazines colour scheme as the title is also bright red.

The cover lines also follows the main colour scheme from the front cover of the actual magazine. This particular colour scheme pulls the content page together giving it a professional look which will draw the audience’s attention. The red and black colours are relevant to the audience of this magazine and will make them want to read the magazine. The background is white making it easier and clearer for the audience to read.

The layout of this page is sectioned out making it easier for the audience to find what they are looking for as the articles are separated. This over all layout makes the page look more presentable.

The main image is of a building as a worms eye view. The image has a black background to make it easier for the audience to see it better. This image is relevant to the audience of the magazine and will persuade them to find out more about that article.

A typical content page contains information on articles within the magazine; it also includes numbers to make it easier for the audience to find a particular story or article that grabs their attention the most.


The title is in a white blocked font, placed at the top left hand corner, this will ensure the audience that it is the contents page. The logo is also placed at the top left hand corner next to the title; the frequent viewing of the logo will make the audience remember it in the future. The issue number and date are also placed at the top; this will help the audience to keep up to date with specific magazines.

The colour scheme that is used in this content page is black and red. Black and red seems to be a common combination in all music magazines, this colour theme also flows from the title of the magazine. These two colours collide well with one another and gives the magazine a professional look.

The cover lines are sectioned off and are placed neatly beneath one another along the left hand side of the page making it easier for the audience to understand and read. This magazine contents page includes a different colour that ties in with the colour scheme for the page numbers for each article giving it a more presentable look.

On this contents page there are two images, one of them are large representing what the main article is about. The second image is smaller but it also gives the audience an example of what else is in the magazine.

Over all this content page is laid out neatly, making it easier for the audience to find the articles that they want to read quickly and easily. This particular layout gives the contents page more of a professional look.

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