Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Music Magazine Questionnaire, Analysis and How the results will effect construction.

I have created a questionnaire to identify the most popular features and the genres of music within a music magazine, the results from the questionnaire will help me to choose the most popular genres and features to base my magazine on.

Questionnaire for music magazine

  • How many hours do you listen to music in a day? (circle one option)
 0 - 1       2 - 4       5 - 7       8 - 10      11+
  •   What genre of music do you prefer? (circle as many)
 R&B      Pop      Rap      Rock      Classical      Indie

  • How often do you buy music magazines? (circle one)
 Never      Somtimes      Weekly      Monthly      Yearly

  •  What do you like to read in a music magazine? (circle as many)
Gossip      News artists      Charts      Interviews
 Other? please state ....................................................

  •  How much would you pay for a music magazine (circle one)
 £1 - £2      £3 - £4      £5+


From my Questionnaire I have found that pop and rock is the most preferred genre, this means that the magazine that I am going to create will be based on the genre of pop or indie as these types of genres have the highest popularity within the target audience. The popular features within magazines are gossip, interviews and new artists, this gives me a clear idea what to add in my magazine. I also found out that 6 out of 10 would pay between £2 - £4 for a music magazine; this will give me a clear idea at what price to give my magazine. From these results I am going to base my magazine on Rolling Stones.

Explanation of how the results will effect my construction:

In my music magazine, I am going to have a single artist as the main image for the front cover and this will leave more space on the cover for more sell lines, this will make the cover look neat and professional.

I am going to use red, black and white colour scheme since they are the colours that relate to the indie/pop genre and they also make the magazine look appealing.

since the majority of people who answered the Questionnaire were aged 11-18, I will be aiming my magazine for that age group. I will have to include information that would appeal to this particular audience. I will also have to make sure that the presentation is eye-catching too, so they will want to buy my magazine.

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Music Magazine Double Page Analysis.


The image on the double page spread is of a music artist and takes up the entire right page which is eye catching and grabs the audience’s attention also the icon is looking directly to the audience, again catching the audience’s attention.

On this contents page there isn’t a title as such, just the artist name in a larger and bolder font this is to make sure that the audience knows which artist they are reading about.

The colour scheme on this double page spread is blue and red. This particual colour scheme is probably taken of its magazine front cover and repeated throughout the whole magazine itself, giving it more a professional look.

There is the logo at the top left of the spread, this seems to be continuous throughout the front cover, content and spreads.

 Finally the article is placed in the bottom left page, the fact that it’s been placed there makes it more appealing to the audience as there isn’t a lot of writing which makes it less off putting also its easier to read as it isn’t placed all over the two pages. 

This double page spread uses one image. The image that has been used is of a music artist called Pink. The image of the artist takes up the whole right hand side of the page. The use of this image clearly shows the audience what the article is about before even looking at the title also it is eye catching for the audience as it’s a close up of her face.

On this double page spread there isn’t a colour scheme as such as all the writing is in black.

 The article is placed on the left hand side of the double page spread. The article takes up the whole page and is sectioned in columns, the fact that it's been sectioned in columns makes the layout look neater and more professional also it is less off putting for the audience as it the article is placed all over the two pages.

Music Magazine Content Pages Analysis.

The first thing that is noticeable about this content page is the main title 'NME THIS WEEK'. This title helps draw the audience’s attention quite a lot. This title also embeds an image almost in the audience’s minds, creating a future reference. The name of this title probably connects into the main magazines colour scheme as the title is also bright red.

The cover lines also follows the main colour scheme from the front cover of the actual magazine. This particular colour scheme pulls the content page together giving it a professional look which will draw the audience’s attention. The red and black colours are relevant to the audience of this magazine and will make them want to read the magazine. The background is white making it easier and clearer for the audience to read.

The layout of this page is sectioned out making it easier for the audience to find what they are looking for as the articles are separated. This over all layout makes the page look more presentable.

The main image is of a building as a worms eye view. The image has a black background to make it easier for the audience to see it better. This image is relevant to the audience of the magazine and will persuade them to find out more about that article.

A typical content page contains information on articles within the magazine; it also includes numbers to make it easier for the audience to find a particular story or article that grabs their attention the most.


The title is in a white blocked font, placed at the top left hand corner, this will ensure the audience that it is the contents page. The logo is also placed at the top left hand corner next to the title; the frequent viewing of the logo will make the audience remember it in the future. The issue number and date are also placed at the top; this will help the audience to keep up to date with specific magazines.

The colour scheme that is used in this content page is black and red. Black and red seems to be a common combination in all music magazines, this colour theme also flows from the title of the magazine. These two colours collide well with one another and gives the magazine a professional look.

The cover lines are sectioned off and are placed neatly beneath one another along the left hand side of the page making it easier for the audience to understand and read. This magazine contents page includes a different colour that ties in with the colour scheme for the page numbers for each article giving it a more presentable look.

On this contents page there are two images, one of them are large representing what the main article is about. The second image is smaller but it also gives the audience an example of what else is in the magazine.

Over all this content page is laid out neatly, making it easier for the audience to find the articles that they want to read quickly and easily. This particular layout gives the contents page more of a professional look.

Friday, 16 November 2012

Music Magazine Cover Analysis 1

The masthead is obviously placed to make it clear for the audience to know what the title of this magazine. The masthead is placed in the top left hand side and partly over the main image.
The colours that are used in the masthead are brighter than the background, therefore making the title stand out and also making the magazine itself noticeable.

The skyline is placed in the usual position which gives the audience a professional view of the magazine. The skyline is in a smaller font above the the masthead, it is in capital letters and white font making it stand out from the rest of the magazine as the main image uses dark colours.

The way the masthead is set out also makes the logo noticeable. By having a logo it represents the magazine and helps make it more memorable for the audience to remember.

The main colour scheme in this magazine is red, black and white. This colour scheme is diverse which can represent all genres of magazines making the overall items look professional. The colour scheme also works effectively with one another, making each colour to stand out, attracting the audience.

The sell lines are in a small font and placed in the left hand side of the page. These sell lines also follow the colour them. The main sell line is placed at the bottom of the page in a small font and gradually going in to larger font as it gets towards the end of the sell line. The last line is separated out between each individual letter, making it obvious to the audience that it is the main article in the magazine.

The main image is very obvious as it fills almost the whole page making it grab the audience’s attention. The main image also follows the main colour scheme as the model is wearing bright red lipstick as the title, drawing the audience attention towards her.

The cover itself contains the typical codes in which many magazines holds. This includes a suitable sized barcode that is placed near the top left corner of the page horizontally under the 'Q'. This gives the audience additional information such as the price and the issue release date.

Over all the layout of this front cover is quite formal with sell lines lying beneath each other on both side of the icon. The layout is quite busy as the main image takes up the whole page with maximum numbers of sell lines on each side of the icons face. There also a minimal of colours that been used throughout the magazine’s cover.

Music Magazine Cover Analysis 2

The front cover contains all the typical codes in which all magazines holds. This includes the masthead, the sell lines and the date it’s been issued and price, however we cannot see the bar code has its been cut out of the bottom right of the page.

The masthead is placed at the top of the page to make it clear for the audience to see what the tile of this magazine. The masthead is partly over the main image. The colour that is used in the masthead is bright red which makes it eye catching for the audience but also making the magazine itself stand out to.

The skyline is placed in the usual position which gives the audience a professional view of the magazine.

The main colour scheme is white and red. The use of only using two colours, gives the magazine a professional look which attracts the audience. The cover is successful in using a limited range of bold colours.

The sell lines are in different sized fonts but mainly small and is either in lower case or capital case. The sell lines are placed on the right hand side of the page. The main sell line is placed at the bottom of the page. It is the biggest sized you can see on the cover, making it noticeable and clear for the audience to see that this magazine main article will be about Adele. 

The main image makes the magazine obvious as the icon fills all most the whole page. As the magazine only uses one image it makes it obvious for the audience to realise that the main articles in the magazine will be based on Adele before even looking what the sell lines says.

Over the entire layout is quite formal as the sell lines are placed in line beneath each other. The layout is not busy as it the cover only contains one main image and doesn't contain loads of font colours or sizes. The front cover has a minimal of featuring that includes a few sell lines and colours.


Music Magazine Cover Analysis 3

The masthead is placed at the top of the page to make it clear for the audience to see what the tile of this magazine. The masthead is partly covered by the icon but is still easy to see what the magazine is called. The font that is used for the masthead is large and bold, showing the audience that the producer is very confident in this brand. The colour that is used in the masthead is white which makes it very noticeable for the audience to see as the background of this magazine is black.

The skyline is placed in the usual position, above the masthead, in very small font as it is not as important as the rest of the magazine. The use of using a skyline gives the audience more of a professional view of the magazine.

The colour scheme that this magazine uses is white, black and bright yellow. The use of this colour scheme makes the magazine looks more professional as it uses a limited range of colours. Using a limited range of colours makes the whole magazine work effectively as the colours goes well with one another, making each of the colours stand out, drawing the audience into the magazine.

The sell lines use a couple of different sized fonts. Most of the sell line uses the same colour combination scheme as first word or line is either coloured or highlighted in yellow then the second word or line coloured in white, then repeated again. Using a colour combination scheme makes the magazine more attractive to the audience, as each sell line seems to stand out more as it would do if the sell lines was coloured in one colour, this helps to draw the audience in wanting to read the magazine. 

The main image is a medium camera shot of the icon. As the magazine as used one image makes it easy to realise what the main articles in the magazine will be about the singer Drake. The image also combines into the colour scheme as the writing on his shirt is in bold capital letters like the masthead.

The cover contains the typical codes in which many magazines holds. This includes the bar code that is placed at the bottom of the page, vertically and suitable sized, on the left hand side of the cover, which gives the audience additional information such as the price and the issue release date. Also where the bar code is placed above it has the website for the 'VIBE' company.
Over all the layout of this magazine is quite formal as all the sell lines are placed in line beneath each other. The layout is rather busy as the front cover uses some different sized fonts, and a maximum numbers of sell lines. The front cover has quite a lot of featuring as both sides of the magazine are filled with sell lines but don't use a verity of colours

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Collge Magazine Mock Up Evaluation.

How does your media product represent particular social groups? 
My media product represent a particular social groups by using a pacific model around the same age as my target audience for the main image, this means the audience can relate to her and the magazine because they are more likely to buy it as it has day to day information that could be a suitable guide for them. The masthead 'College' is very relatable with the target audience as they are teenagers that are either moving up to college or already attends college.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
 If I was to choose a company to print and distribute my magazine it would be a company called IPC this is because they print and distributes magazines to stores across the country. Also it is the leading magazine publisher in the UK. this shows that it will help the magazine become more successful.

Who would the audience be for your media product?
The target audience for my media product is mainly for college students between the ages of 16 and 18 but also for students who are in the years below that are interested in moving up to college. My magazine is also aimed at parents of the primary target audience as they want to know what the college is like and whether it is the right place for their children to attend and achieve their best.

How did you attract/address your audience?
 I attracted my audience by using a variety of different techniques and codes of a typical magazine; the reason for this is because it creates a familiarity and encouragement for the audience to buy it. The fronts that I have used are bold and clear. The image that I have used for the front cover is around about the same age as the target audience, therefore the audience will be able to relate to her and more likely want to buy the magazine. Over all the magazine is attractive and addresses to the target audience by using sell lines, this is because it could relate to the things that the students want to know or find out more about, therefore they will want to read the articles inside.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
I have learnt several techniques in the process of making my magazine. From the program I used to make the cover I used, pixlr express. I have learned to make the image more appealing.